You need to execute parasight_ in its directory so it can find the example data.ħ) The other examples aren't scripted but they are examples to give you ideas of what parasight can do and how to go about getting parasight doing it.
This program won't run unless it can find parasight (i.e. In this chapter, due to the limitation of the download source from ActiveState Perl's official Web site, a Linux archive handler called GNU tar is required. list it's main options when run without any arguments), try changing to the examples directory and running parasight_ example 1 This is a cheesy scripted tutorial that will demonstrate some of the things parasight can do.
You should get a summary of options.ĥ) If it doesn't work you may need to fix the path or install any modules such as Tk but only if it complains that they are not found.Ħ) Once you get parasight to run (i.e. Go to the ActivePerl page and click on Download.

On windows machines that have installed ActiveState Perl (h) the simplest solution is to place it in the Perl bin directory (usually C:\Perl\bin).Ĥ) Check to see if parasight runs by typing parasight at a command line. ActivePerl Create a temporary download folder on your hard drive called, say, c:perl. For windows, try ActiveState Perl ( 2) Uncompress the file parasight_v7.4.zip file creating the directory parasight_v7.4ģ) Directly within the parasight_v7.4 directory is the parasight executable, it should either be moved or linked into your bin path for ease of use. Download ActivePerl Community Edition free binaries for your development projects and internal deployments. ActivePerl is the leading commercial-grade distribution of the open source Perl scripting language.

For unix see although for most unix computers it is part of the standard install. This package was approved by moderator gep13 on. Download the Windows installer file to some location, then run it to install.

To install the program and the example script:ġ) Install Perl if not installed (most standard installs have all that is required). However, I have Perl 5.8.8 installed and I didnt actually bother to upgrade. Download the bundled zip containing the older version and examples: parasight_v7.4.zip